
Godišnja konferencija “Vremena obnove”

Godišnja konferencija Saveza crkava Riječ Života pod nazivom “Vremena obnove” održat će se od 26. do 29. rujna 2024. u Kršćanskom centru Riječ Života u Laginjinoj 11 u Zagrebu.

Govornici su apostolica Barbara Yoder, pastorica Bonnie Chavda i pastor Damir Šićko Alić.

Dobro došli na konferenciju i iskusite obnovu koju u naše vrijeme donosi Duh Sveti! Ulaz slobodan!

Termini službi:

26.9.2024. u 19 sati

27.9.2024. u 17 i 19 sati

28.9.2024. u 10, 17 i 19 sati

29.9.2024. u 10 sati

Barbara Yoder osnivačica je crkve Shekinah u Ann Arboru u Michiganu (SAD) i voditeljica udruženja kršćanskih službenika Breakthrough Apostolic Ministries Network. Već desetljećima putuje i služi u crkvama diljem svijeta, pa tako i u Hrvatskoj, gdje je svojim služenjem, obilježenim apostolskim i proročkim pomazanjem, uvijek bila velik blagoslov. Mentorica je brojnim vjernicima i službenicima diljem svijeta i autorica pet knjiga. Prije no što se posvetila radu za Boga, Barbara Yoder bila je sveučilišni profesor.

Bonnie Chavda u službi je Gospodinu preko četiri desetljeća zajedno sa svojim suprugom Maheshom Chavdom. Pastori su crkve All Nations Church u Charlotti u Sjevernoj Karolini (SAD) i osnivači molitvenog pokreta Watch of the Lord. Putuju i služe Evanđelje diljem svijeta. Mahesh Chavda početkom devedesetih godina služio je na kršćanskim konferencijama u Zagrebu i Sarajevu. Bonnie Chavda radila je u službi Dereka Princea 18 godina i bila misionarka u zemljama trećeg svijeta. Bonnie u svom služenju ima proročko pomazanje i prenosi pobjednički duh koji je stekla kroz bogato životno iskustvo.

Damir Šićko Alić predano služi u pastorskom i apostolskom pozivu već 36 godina. Utemeljitelj je rastućeg Saveza crkava „Riječ Života“ u Hrvatskoj, mentor njegovim službenicima i pastor crkve u Zagrebu. Dinamičan je propovjednik i biblijski učitelj koji s jasnoćom poučava Božju Riječ. Traženi je govornik i u inozemstvu te autor preko trideset knjiga kršćanske tematike. Preko 20 godina propovijeda i poučava biblijski nauk putem televizijske emisije Riječ Života na OTV-u. Član je Međunarodne koalicije apostolskih vođa (International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders).

Vjerujemo da je Bog za ovu konferenciju pripremio jako dobre stvari, kako za pojedince, tako i za crkvu. Dođite s iščekivanjem da čujete i primite od Boga!

Službe će se prenositi uživo putem YouTube kanala Riječ Života, no iskustvo osobnog prisustvovanja ne može se mjeriti s praćenjem video prijenosa. Stoga, dobro došli na konferenciju!



The annual conference of Word of Life Network of Churches in Croatia, titled “Times of Restoration” will be held from September 26 to 29, 2024, at Word of Life Christian Center, Laginjina 11, Zagreb.

The speakers are apostle Barbara Yoder, pastor Bonnie Chavda, and pastor Damir Šićko Alić.

Welcome to the conference and experience the renewal that the Holy Spirit brings in our time! Entrance is free of charge.

Service times:

September 26, 2024, at 7 PM

September 27, 2024, at 5 PM and 7 PM

September 28, 2024, at 10 AM, 5 PM, and 7 PM

September 29, 2024, at 10 AM

Services will also be broadcast live via Riječ Života YouTube channel.

Barbara J. Yoder is the founding and lead apostle of Shekinah Christian Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. She leads Breakthrough Apostolic Ministries Network, a network of pastors, ministry leaders and marketplace leaders. She has been traveling and ministering in churches worldwide for decades, including in Croatia, where her ministring, marked by apostolic and prophetic anointing, has always been a great blessing. She is a mentor to many believers and ministers around the world and the author of five books. She has been featured on the cover of Charisma magazine as one of the most influential women leaders in the church today. Before dedicating herself to God’s work, Barbara Yoder was a university professor.

Bonnie Chavda is a seasoned prophetic voice and author with over four decades of Spirit-filled leadership experience. Bonnie and her husband, Mahesh, are founders of Chavda Ministries International, the Watch of the Lord Prayer Movement, and senior pastors of All Nations Church in Charlotte, NC, USA. Mahesh Chavda ministered at Christian conferences in Zagreb and Sarajevo in the early 1990s. A dynamic conference speaker, Bonnie served under Derek Prince for 18 years. Life and death experiences during the birth of her sons and a decade of missionary service in the third world contribute to the overcoming spirit transmitted to others through her ministry.

Damir Šićko Alić has been faithfully serving in the pastoral and apostolic calling for 36 years. He is the founder of the growing Word of Life Network of Churches in Croatia, a mentor to its ministers, and a pastor of the church in Zagreb. He is a dynamic preacher and biblical teacher who clearly teaches God’s Word. He is a sought-after speaker abroad and the author of over thirty books. For more than 20 years, he has preached and taught biblical doctrine through Word of Life television program at OTV, a local Croatian TV station. He is a member of the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (ICAL).

We believe that God has prepared great things for this conference, both for individuals and the church. Come with the expectation to hear and receive from God!

Welcome to the conference!